Issues to Avoid when Maintaining Street Segments
You are going to have some missing addresses; it's to be expected if new houses are being built in your county. If a voter's address is missing, they cannot be registered, so a timely update of the street table is required. As soon as you add a new street segment to the database or extend an existing segment to include the missing address, the voter can then be registered.
A street overlap occurs when an address is covered by more than one street segment. This means that an address could be assigned to more than one precinct. The software should prevent overlapping segments as you work. In addition, the Integrity Check program includes a street overlap check. Any street overlaps found by the Integrity Check should be resolved immediately.
If you delete a street segment, the voters who were living in addresses contained in the deleted segment are left with invalid addresses. The Integrity Check reports these voters as having invalid addresses. Either the voters' registration records must be revised or the street table must have a street segment added to include the voters' addresses. When you add or change a street segment, voters with invalid addresses are checked, and any that are satisfied by the new segment are automatically attached to the street. If the precinct or any district assignments change as a result of the street segment change, affected voters are automatically scheduled to receive a new voter information card.